Thursday, April 20, 2023

Blog Post #7

Technological advances have made some of the best innovations in our history and are used in our daily lives today. During the EOTO presentations, many amazing inventions were spoken of, and the history of how they came about. Though many people use these inventions every day, they may not know how they came about or the stories behind them, and unfortunately, I am one of those people. Many inventions start with a very different purpose and as the product develops it creates a path and new ideas for itself. 

One technological innovation talked about was the invention of Snapchat. Snapchat is an app used to communicate with family and friends by taking pictures and adding texts to the photo. You can also save the photos you take on the app in the “memories” portion of the app so you can go back and look at them whenever you want. Snapchat wasn’t originally created for this purpose though. After watching the EOTO presentation I was shocked to find out that the original purpose of the app was created was to send photos and they would disappear after a few seconds. Nowadays this is still an option on the app but few people use this feature. I also learned that “Snapchat stories” weren’t created until almost 2 years after the app was created. This really shows how the once the app becomes popular it will evolve on its own and soon gain more aspects to the app. 

Another app spoken on during the EOTO presentation was Instagram. This was another app that started with a different purpose. Instagram started as an app called Burbn which was for picture sharing, posting plans, or check-ins. Though the post-sharing feature was unique to the app it was still similar to other apps on the market which were taken down and reworked into the app people know and love today, Instagram. Instagram is mainly for picture sharing and liking other people's photos, to see what they are up to in life. In 2012 Facebook purchased Instagram for 1 billion dollars and since then the app has taken off even further with new features like stories, reels, and “for you page”. With more than 2.35 billion users many people follow friends or even influencers. Many people make a profit now off of Instagram by posting certain content that people enjoy watching. Instagram has changed very much since its Burbn days, but it also has gained success since then too. 

In all technological innovation doesn't always start with success, many times it starts with a failed invention with a good idea within that invention that sparks success on the next try. Whether it took one attempt or a few these innovations changed social media and how we communicate with each other. 

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