Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Blog Post #6

After further research into antiwar.com, I have concluded that I have never seen a website like this one before. The media hides the opinions of this group or political party. This website has strong opinions yet backs them up with factual information which makes them reliable. The only reason you will never see this type of information in mainstream media is that the writers of this website have different opinions the media wants to relay. 

Many mainstream media outlets will only produce content based on their opinion. This is why media outlets get a reputation for being biased and not having reporters that share their opinion for both sides, left and right. So when it comes to an antiwar story, it’s a matter of if the reporter believes in antiwar or not. Antiwar is also not something that the government believes in, they wouldn’t want it promoted on the news and stories being shared about it, knowing that people could agree with the beliefs of this party and go against the government. Mainstream media has become a top source of information, especially for politics and global affairs. These are two main topics highly spoken upon by the antiwar group. If mainstream media was to post the beliefs of this group, the government would lose a huge following. 

This runs into my next topic, that is, many antiwar websites have never even been heard of. The government doesn't want you to know about these websites so they make sure it’s hard for you to find them. They want you to continue to believe what they are doing in their global affairs and other countries as well is correct. So by making the websites hard to access, a regular person will continue to believe in what the government is doing. 

While looking through the Antiwar.com website, I found that even though they were opinionated, the information was factual and important. This is global affairs information that is important and could cause future problems, so why wouldn’t it be on mainstream media? “Finland formally became the 31st member of NATO on Tuesday, officially ending the country’s post-World War II policy of neutrality and raising tensions between Helsinki and Moscow” (DeCamp 4 April). This quote is from an article posted earlier today. I decided to do further research and see if any other articles were posted on this topic. Not many were but the articles that were posted lacked the information that this one had and were more focused on why Finland joined NATO and not Sweden. 


In conclusion, I don’t believe that any of this is fair. I think that everyone should have a voice. The United States prides itself on freedom of speech, which means that the government should be making it hard for people to read what these people have to say. If people want to read and agree with the antiwar group, well then maybe it’s time that the government makes some changes.

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