Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Blog Post #3

The  U.S Supreme Court court is argulby the most powrful branch of the government. Leanring from a young age the three branches of government and the different types of power they hold, the Supreme Court always seemed to be able to over-power the other branches say. Though, growing up I found that the Supreme Court was the least spoke upon branch so I found this article very knowledgeable. 

 One large takeaway for me was how that couldnt decide on a set number of chairs to have in the Supreme Court. The number of seats was chnaged six times over the course of several years changing between the number five and ten. It was until 1869 that they decide on nine seats, which would always give one side more votes than the other, never giving a case a tie. I think this is a smart decision because if they had an even amount of seats and several cases went in with an even number of votes on both sides then decisions would never be made. Also having more seats means more opinion and ideas throughout the table which can be beneficial. 

Further into the History.com article it spoke upon important cases that the Supreme court worked on. This was an important part of the atricle for me because it truly showed how important they are because they truly work on cases that affect our world today. Cases like Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) impacted our society giving the LGBTQ community rights to marriage in all fifty states. Supreme Court not only works to make sure these cases follow the Constitution but also make the people of America happy. 

When reading about the first 6 Supreme Court justices that were picked it started the branch it was shocking to me that Robert Harrison declined to serve the position.  I position like that is highly elite and to denyy a lifetime job is not something I would except. People working in the government today would love to be elected to be a Supreme Court justice is an honor. To make the highest decisions for the government and make a difference for the country.

After watching the video on the Supreme Court I was taken back by how these retired justices spoke about their first few years serving. I never realized how stressed and overwhelmed the job can feel at first especially for up to three years. This gave me a new perspective on how these justices do their job and the level of difficulty that comes with it.

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