Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Blog Post #2

Modern technology is developing everyday and is influence the way we live our lives. Technology can seen as a brillant and innovative, but it can also be terrifying because many don’t know the extent of how powerful technology is. 

On a daily basis people can affected by technology through tracking, hacking or even Digital Domestic Violence. Though companies like Apple have there sofware encrypted so that hackers cant access peoples texts and phone calls, not all websites and apps have their software like that. So many apps deem themselves safe when they do not have encrypted code and hackers can easy get a persons personal information. This makes me personally uncomfortable because I have always believed that everything on my phone was safe and private. “Terms and Conditions” is how a lot of companies get away with this. No one is going to read 500+ pages of print, so they just press accept so they can continue. By pressing accept though you truly don’t know what you are allowing them access to. This automatically puts you at risk and really anyone that you may talk to. 

These issues are becoming more serious because other countries are gaining access to information about Americans. The government should be more worried about this topic and they are because of the recent use of the app Tiktok. This app is owned by a company in China and the app can learn an immense about user while they are using the app. U.S government officials are pushing for the app to the banned because they don’t want China have that much access to U.S citizens personal information. Though when it comes to our calls and texts, it has been said that the government does not like the idea that Apple had encrypted codes that can’t be hacked. The government wants access to phones for the purpose of “terrorists and hacker” so they can stop them before they attack. This would take away our fifth ammendment right though, and it would never get passed. 

Technology is going to keep advancing so we will need to keep up as well and understand how to protect ourselves from the invasions of privacy. One of the biggest ways is to use apps that have encrypted coded software that can not be hacked. These are apps like Imessage, What’s App, and Facetime. These apps are safe to use and people can not track calls or messages. Social media is another way they track people. So watch what you post and limit the time you spend on the apps especially Tiktok. Unfortunately many of our daily apps are can be used against us to invaded our privacy so we must learn which are safe. 

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