Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Blog Post #3

The  U.S Supreme Court court is argulby the most powrful branch of the government. Leanring from a young age the three branches of government and the different types of power they hold, the Supreme Court always seemed to be able to over-power the other branches say. Though, growing up I found that the Supreme Court was the least spoke upon branch so I found this article very knowledgeable. 

 One large takeaway for me was how that couldnt decide on a set number of chairs to have in the Supreme Court. The number of seats was chnaged six times over the course of several years changing between the number five and ten. It was until 1869 that they decide on nine seats, which would always give one side more votes than the other, never giving a case a tie. I think this is a smart decision because if they had an even amount of seats and several cases went in with an even number of votes on both sides then decisions would never be made. Also having more seats means more opinion and ideas throughout the table which can be beneficial. 

Further into the History.com article it spoke upon important cases that the Supreme court worked on. This was an important part of the atricle for me because it truly showed how important they are because they truly work on cases that affect our world today. Cases like Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) impacted our society giving the LGBTQ community rights to marriage in all fifty states. Supreme Court not only works to make sure these cases follow the Constitution but also make the people of America happy. 

When reading about the first 6 Supreme Court justices that were picked it started the branch it was shocking to me that Robert Harrison declined to serve the position.  I position like that is highly elite and to denyy a lifetime job is not something I would except. People working in the government today would love to be elected to be a Supreme Court justice is an honor. To make the highest decisions for the government and make a difference for the country.

After watching the video on the Supreme Court I was taken back by how these retired justices spoke about their first few years serving. I never realized how stressed and overwhelmed the job can feel at first especially for up to three years. This gave me a new perspective on how these justices do their job and the level of difficulty that comes with it.

Blog Post #2

Modern technology is developing everyday and is influence the way we live our lives. Technology can seen as a brillant and innovative, but it can also be terrifying because many don’t know the extent of how powerful technology is. 

On a daily basis people can affected by technology through tracking, hacking or even Digital Domestic Violence. Though companies like Apple have there sofware encrypted so that hackers cant access peoples texts and phone calls, not all websites and apps have their software like that. So many apps deem themselves safe when they do not have encrypted code and hackers can easy get a persons personal information. This makes me personally uncomfortable because I have always believed that everything on my phone was safe and private. “Terms and Conditions” is how a lot of companies get away with this. No one is going to read 500+ pages of print, so they just press accept so they can continue. By pressing accept though you truly don’t know what you are allowing them access to. This automatically puts you at risk and really anyone that you may talk to. 

These issues are becoming more serious because other countries are gaining access to information about Americans. The government should be more worried about this topic and they are because of the recent use of the app Tiktok. This app is owned by a company in China and the app can learn an immense about user while they are using the app. U.S government officials are pushing for the app to the banned because they don’t want China have that much access to U.S citizens personal information. Though when it comes to our calls and texts, it has been said that the government does not like the idea that Apple had encrypted codes that can’t be hacked. The government wants access to phones for the purpose of “terrorists and hacker” so they can stop them before they attack. This would take away our fifth ammendment right though, and it would never get passed. 

Technology is going to keep advancing so we will need to keep up as well and understand how to protect ourselves from the invasions of privacy. One of the biggest ways is to use apps that have encrypted coded software that can not be hacked. These are apps like Imessage, What’s App, and Facetime. These apps are safe to use and people can not track calls or messages. Social media is another way they track people. So watch what you post and limit the time you spend on the apps especially Tiktok. Unfortunately many of our daily apps are can be used against us to invaded our privacy so we must learn which are safe. 

Blog Post #1

When it comes to the way I get my news it depends on what type of news it is. Pop culture news could be anywhere from social media to the internet, whereas for political news, I would usually stray away from social media and stick to certain internet websites for them. I would never stick to one source one particular news source for all my information, I find that there are certain methods that get out information faster than others and that’s why I use all different types. 

Pop culture news is not “important” news to everyone, but it is still a form of news that is published about and very popular to read. I particularly do not choose to get this type of news off my internet websites, I find that you can get more information on social media, like TikTok and Instagram. Though most of this information may not be written by actual journalists, lots of this information comes from “super-fans” that dive deep into the drama and find more information than any journalist would. A recent scandal that has been going on in popular culture is the Haley Bieber x Selena Gomez feud. There have been allegations of not only Haley Bieber, but her good friend Kylie Jenner as well, being “mean girls” to Selena Gomez. After all, this happened Selena Gomez fans rushed in to back her up and collected videos of Haley Bieber over the year apparently being obsessed with Selena and trying to copy her in many ways, including clothing, tattoos, and business strategies. With these fans calling Haley out for all this information, many people have claimed “Team Selena” and are picking sides. Haley and Kylie have lost many followers and are receiving backlash. This is a very significant reason why I personally prefer to get my pop culture on social media, I find it goes into further detail than if I was to get it off an internet website. 

(These are just references to the Haley Bieber x Selena Gomez Fued, this paragraph was about social media being a source as a whole)





Politcal news is a very common type of news for people to watch or read about. This is because it is keeping people up to date about current events going on around the world and mainly in their own country. People like to know what decisions their government is making and what future decisions they are trying to pass. Poltival news can be watched or read on several different platforms like newspaper, articles on the internet or the televsion. With all these options you also have to decide which website, company, or channel you will get your information from though, because many polications news stations are basis are will give opinion based information. It's hard to find political news that is neutral and doesn't lean liberal or conservative.  Nowadays though people don’t want neutral political news. Many people lean a certain way and will go to that sides pages to get information rather than hearing both sides. That’s why for me when it comes to politics, I dont just pick one source or website. I usually scroll through a few and see different opinions and get a better understanding from different articles people have written. 




Medical or Scientific news if something that many people may not keep up with but is very important to understand the change and innovation coming in the future. The scientific world has new discoveries everyday which means there will always be new articles written about what if found to keep the people updated. Many of these scientific discoveries are for medical purposes which is why these go hand and hand. These discoveries are the future cures of cancers, covid-19, strokes etc.. Scientific dicoveries can venture out to new finds in the ocean, space or plants. Things at are around us everyday. This is why its important to keep up with this type of news because not only is discoveries made so quickly but they can be life changing. When it comes to My scientific or medical news I domt have a purticlur place I go for all my news. I find that different news is posted on different websites so I usually scroll different websites and see what they all have to say and maybe what they all have in common.




Local news is would be about your city, town or even region. This type of news is important to people because they want to know what is going on in the surrounding neighborhoods towns around them. Whether the news is good or bad, many find that local news is the most important and will be the first thing they will watch or read about. This type of news not only can educate people of their community through stories but also bring them together at times of need. These stories all have the same impact on the people which brings them together and creates a shared culture and creates a form of awareness throughout the community. For my local news I usually choose to read about my hometown news which would be Rhode Island, though I live in High Point most of the year. Reading about the news there brings me a little bit closer to home. I usually choose the read the Providence Journal because I personally think it gives a wide variety of stories while giving a new perspective on them as well. 




Foreign news is another popular read for many people. This keeps many people to trace the impact of one countries decisions into others countries. This can be majorly important because these decisions could impact a persons own country or a persons extended family of they live somewhere else. Following foreign news also gives people a perspective on other peoples way other life and their culturals. You can learn a lot about other countries and the lives of the people there. I personally like to read about European countries. I like to read about the cultural and keep myself informed about the daily news in several countries there because I have visited and hope to visit again in the future. For the more political side of foreign trades I will read about China and Russia because I worry about what decisions they will make and the impact they will have on my country. 



