Thursday, April 27, 2023

Blog Post #11

        While watching the EOTO presentations I personally was intrigued by the online influencers presentation. While there are many different forms of media and ways to get your information, influencers are an upcoming way for not only branding but the spread of information. There are many different kinds of influencers on all platforms, you can find one for pretty much any kind of niche you have, but political influencers have been making a big up-and-coming because of the lack of information coming from MSM on big and small topics. Political influencers have all ages and affiliation viewing their content because they talk about all ranges of issues and hide no details from the public. This is a big problem with MSM which I talk about in my EOTO which can be found in blog post #9. The reason influencers can say all their information without hiding anything is that they don’t work for a media company or corporation that tells them what to do. They freely post these videos on social media and make money because people are finally getting the answers they deserve and are happy so they follow, like, and share which brings in the influencer profit. 

Many people assume that all influencers don’t have any background knowledge on what subject they make content on and it’s a “hobby” for them. When it comes to political influencers many of them actually do have background or even studied in the field. One influencer named Rogan O’Handley (@dc_draino) was a lawyer who turned into a political influencer who has spoken on several MSM news stations because his following has become too strong. Because he has a government background he can be a reliable source into the world of politics. He is also an influencer known for sharing lots of information on stories that MSM does not share which is why his following has become so large. Not all influencers are like Rogan Handley which is why you should do research on the person before trusting their word, but influencers still can be a source of information when MSM doesn’t cover a story or isn’t giving the full information. 

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