Sunday, April 23, 2023

Blog Post #10

AI becoming more powerful and more commonly used in our daily lives. When people think of AI they usually think of Chat GBT or Deepfake which are commonly used websites today, but AI runs much deeper than that. 

AI runs through every computer, phone, and tablet algorithm and collects data about the user. It wants to know what you shop for, what games you play, and even who you text the most. Ai can even pick up on how you respond to comments on social media. Its algorithm keeps track of how you write so it can accurately store data about you. 

This worries me very much about the power AI holds. I don’t like the idea of “technology” knowing so much about me and storing so much data about me. Personally, I think an AI would know more about me than I do. Many times I scroll through my social media and advertisements for clothing store brands pop up in my feed and they are a perfect match for me. This is because the AI algorithm stored the data of what I shop for and what I like and advertised other options to me. Many people see this as beneficial but after watching the “Age of AI” video in class, I am also not the only person afraid of the AI takeover. 

Already many are losing jobs due to AI and technology in general. Most people in the US can’t afford a 400 dollars random expense. Many also can’t afford to take a course if they want to change their careers. It can be scary to think that such a small portion of people have enough money to be comfortable going through life. Many people are worried AI is going to take over to a point of no return and the world will “crash” and that is how we will come back from AI technology. The idea that people believe we have to “crash” and there is no way of fighting this beforehand is even scarier. 

In 2010 there was an experiment taken place called “Social Contagion”. During this experiment, they wanted to see through online messaging if they could influence real-world behavior. So, while the 2010 election was happening they placed an “I voted” button on social with the friend's faces of the users, and this experiment enabled 340,000 people to vote. It amazes me that social status and making sure your friends know you voted got people to go out and vote in the election. The smallest things on the internet can influence people. Just by seeing that their friends voted these people went out and voted that year. 

AI is surely taking over whether people want it or not. Some may find it beneficial and don’t care, and others like me may but scared for the future. Either way, we don’t really know what is coming in the future with this upcoming technology. 

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